Stockton Borough Council President Nic Messina Endorses Tom Malinowski

Stockton Borough Council President Nic Messina Endorses Tom Malinowski
(Stockton, NJ) Stockton Borough Council President Nic Messina has endorsed Tom Malinowski in New Jersey’s 7th Congressional District over incumbent Republican congressman, Leonard Lance. Messina, a Republican, said he was won over by Tom’s impressive resume and policy stances.
“I am a Republican and I am also wholeheartedly in support of Tom Malinowski for Congress.” said Messina. “I have had many opportunities to meet and spend some time with Tom and he has won my confidence for many reasons -- in particular, Tom’s proactive position on the unneeded PennEast pipeline that threatens our community, national security stances, and commitment to defending our democracy, which is so important right now.”
Last week, Tom held a roundtable to discuss the harmful effects of the pipeline and spoke to property owners from across Hunterdon County, including officials from Alexandria and Stockton. Michelle Garay, mayor of Alexandria and a Republican, recently endorsed Tom.
“I am honored to receive Council President Nic Messina’s endorsement,” said Tom. “The issue of the pipeline has been my priority early in my campaign. I believe in strong, collaborative solutions which go beyond party lines and work for all New Jersey taxpayers.”
Tom Malinowski was confirmed as Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor with unanimous support from the U.S. Senate and was introduced at his confirmation hearing by Senator John McCain, with whom he partnered in the fight to ban torture and advance human rights around the world.