Super PAC Patients For Affordable Drugs Action Expands Ad Buy To Defeat Bob Hugin

$1.2 million increase for TV and digital ads to warn NJ voters that Bob Hugin put his greed ahead of patient needs
WASHINGTON, DC –– The nation’s first-ever patient-led super PAC expanded its spending by $1.2 million to defeat Big Pharma CEO Bob Hugin. Patients For Affordable Drugs Action will run television and digital ads across New Jersey from now until election day to warn voters: the Republican nominee for Senate exploited cancer patients as a Big Pharma boss and is unfit to hold elected office.

“Patients who experienced Bob Hugin’s greed first hand are on a mission to ensure New Jersey voters know the truth about Bob Hugin,” said David Mitchell, a cancer patient who took Hugin’s drug and watched the price double over the last ten years. “Bob Hugin is not a hero — he is a greedy pharma CEO who exploited cancer patients struggling for their lives so he could pocket more than $100 million.”

The ads — "Alive" and "The Guy Who Made A Killing" — drive home four key points about Bob Hugin:

  • He sold a cancer drug that cost less than $1 to make for more than $600.
  • He spent millions to block cheaper generics from coming to market.
  • He doubled the price of the drug, forcing patients into debt, including Pam Holt, who had to refinance her home.
  • He pocketed more than $100 million for himself.

“None of these facts are in dispute. None have been denied by Hugin — because they are true,” Mitchell said.

Patients For Affordable Drugs Action is a bipartisan, patient-led political action committee founded to make sure politicians hear from real patients and not just the drug industry political machine. In addition to its work in New Jersey, Patients For Affordable Drugs Action has announced six other campaigns to defeat politicians who are in the pockets of Big Pharma and to elect candidates who will stand up for patients and fight for lower drug prices, regardless of party.

In 2016, Big Pharma spent $247 million lobbying, and in the last election cycle donated $29.3 million to help elect politicians. Patients For Affordable Drugs Action received principal funding from the Action Now Initiative, a political advocacy organization founded by Laura and John Arnold. Patients For Affordable Drugs Action is an independent organization and refuses funding from any organization that profits from the development or distribution of prescription drugs.


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