Sussex County Democratic Committee Endorses 2020 Candidates At Remote Convention

Sussex County Democratic Committee Endorses 2020 Candidates At Remote Convention
Sunday, March 29th, the Sussex County Democratic Committee held its 2020 Convention for candidate endorsement. Originally to be held in person, the SCDC announced on Friday, March 13th, in the interest of safety that the Convention would be held on the same date remotely.
Convention Delegates were encouraged to attend a Live Teleconference that included the nominations of each candidate and the nomination acceptance speeches by each candidate or their surrogate. They then were able to use an Electronic Voting System.
In the Presidential race, Vice President Joe Biden received 100 votes giving him 73.5% of the vote, while Senator Bernie Sanders received 26.5% with 36 votes. For U.S. Representative to CD-5, Congressman Josh Gottheimer won the nomination against Dr. Arati Kreibich.
Congressman Gottheimer received 74.2% of the votes, with 98 votes to Dr. Arati Kreibech's 25% with 33 votes. All delegates had the option to abstain from any of the races or choose "No Endorsement."
Two challengers on the ballot, Senator Cory Booker and Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill, were uncontested.
The Sussex County Democratic Committee endorses Vice President Joe Biden for President of the United States, Senator Cory Booker for U.S. Senate, Congressman Josh Gottheimer for U.S. Representative for CD-5, and Congresswoman Mikie Sherrill for U.S. Representative of CD-11.
2020 Convention Chair and Sussex County Young Democrats Chair, Laura Riccardi, said of the event, "I was thrilled to see how many delegates came together and how connected we felt even though we couldn't physically be together." She continued, "having our elected officials available on the call provided some comfort and clarity during such an uncertain time."
Chairwoman Katie Rotondi, recently diagnosed with COVID-19, was not able to be present at the Convention but was able to cast her vote.