Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services COVID-19 Vaccination Planning Q & A

Sussex County Department of Health and Human Services
COVID-19 Vaccination Planning Q & A
December 23, 2020

Is Sussex County preparing to administer COVID-19 vaccinations?

Planning has been in the works for weeks. Sussex County is coordinating with a number of health agencies and will be prepared to administer vaccinations as soon as the vaccine is delivered to County facilities.

Are two doses required?

Yes the two approved vaccines have a two dose protocol. This may change as additional vaccines are developed but at this point, two doses are needed.

Will I get the Pfizer or Moderna vaccine?

We do not know yet. You will receive a card at the time of your first vaccination with pertinent information and a schedule for the second round of vaccine to be administered.

Who and how are priorities set for obtaining vaccinations?

Sussex County receives direction from the New Jersey Department of Health. There are four categories including citizens serving in health care settings who have direct or indirect exposure as well as long term care residents and staff are the first to receive vaccinations, the next group includes essential workers, the third group includes adults over the age of 65 with underlying medical conditions, thereafter, the general public will get vaccinations.

Can I put my name on a list now to schedule my vaccination?

Not yet. Please follow the below guidance to register.

Is there a process to schedule my vaccination?

Yes there will be and it is essential for you to follow the process. Sussex County will be placing a scheduling system on line to register all persons for receiving the vaccination. The registration and scheduling system will be placed on this site as soon as it is ready to go public. You will click on a highlighted section which will direct you to a registration and scheduling page to be filled out on line. Instructions will be clear and the form is easy to fill out and submit.

I am afraid that I am not capable of filling out the form on- line. What should I do?

Sussex County will have a number to call but expect a great deal of telephone traffic and long wait times in the early weeks. It is best to get someone to help you fill out the online form.

Will there be regular updates on line?

Absolutely! Sussex County will endeavor to keep its website up to date throughout the vaccination period.

I have underlying health issues and I am scared about a reaction to the vaccination? What happens if I have a reaction?

Sussex County recommends that you consult your medical provider if you have any concerns or have ever experienced an allergic reaction, even a mild reaction to a vaccination or food. Your physician is the best source of guidance. Please do not simply rely upon internet sources. Trained Public Health Nurses will be at the vaccination site. A protocol for monitoring you immediately after receiving a vaccination is in place. You should anticipate remaining at the vaccination site for 15 minutes and in some cases (if you have experienced past reactions to vaccines) 30 minutes. The protocol will be explained to you upon arrival.

How do I get my children vaccinated?

Both vaccines currently being deployed have restrictions. Pfizer set the restriction at 16 years of age or older while Moderna has set a restriction of 18 years. Sussex County will provide updates once we are notified of the vaccine that will be delivered for our use. The limitations have been assigned by the United States Food and Drug Administration. Hopefully, a vaccination will eventually be deemed safe for juveniles but as of this time the two vaccines in the pipeline have age restrictions.

This sounds like an enormous endeavor? Can I just get my vaccinations from my pharmacy or medical provider?

Absolutely but be patient as medical practices and pharmacies are waiting to receive the vaccines as well. You are not required to get your vaccination through the county. You are encouraged to access your medical provider or schedule through your pharmacy if practical. Sussex County is planning to serve an enormous population in a relatively short period of time. It is indeed an enormous endeavor.

When should I recheck this site?

Sussex County believes that we will be able to address the third group (over the age of 65 with underlying medical conditions) in February. You are encouraged to check this website for weekly updates after the holidays.

Four links are provided below with additional information. Please spend a few minute reading the data presented by Pfizer, Moderna, the NJ Department of Health and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

EUA Moderna Factsheet for Recipients and Caregivers:

EUA Pfizer Factsheet for Recipients and Caregivers:

COVID-19 Vaccines: Know the Facts:

COVID-19 Vaccine Phases:

Questions and Answers about COVID-19 Vaccines from Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP):

Vax Matters Newsletter:

Please stay healthy and safe. Wear a mask in public at all times. Social distancing is critical. Wash or sanitize your hands often. All of these health precautions should continue after your vaccination. More will be known in the weeks and months to come. Our best advice at this point in time is to remain vigilant.

Sussex County Coronavirus Information

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