Sussex County Freeholder Fantasia: 'This Freeholder Board will not stand idly by while a flaccid state response is a direct contributing factor to harm to our residents'

Sussex County Freeholder Fantasia Responds to Sussex County Democrat Committee

Re: Sussex Democrats want GOP incumbents to improve COVID-19 communication

The Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders was elected to represent all constituents, including those with issues that the Sussex County Democrat Committee disagrees with and instead chooses to politicize in a time of a public health crisis. The simple fact is the failed policies of Trenton Democrats and Governor Murphy’s Democrat administration has caused significant harm to the County of Sussex.

This Freeholder Board will not stand idly by while a flaccid state response is a direct contributing factor to harm to our residents. The Sussex Democrats call this “placing blame” and “finger-pointing”, and a host of politicized catch-phrases they choose.


COVID-19-related deaths are not “withheld from the public”, nor were any substantiated claims discovered at the facility withheld. Once COVID-19-related deaths are verified, they are publicly reported by the Sussex County Division of Health (SCDOH). As stated on, "In North Jersey, Sussex County has been one of the state’s most cooperative counties, providing case municipality, gender, age and fatality updates on a daily basis." And in direct response to requests from residents, the County has enlisted the assistance of an epidemiologist to prepare more comprehensive reports for the public. County officials received a steady stream of reports from both employees, family members, and even from a funeral home director and a resident of the facility beginning the end of March. There are clear records of each and every communication to the New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH), the entity that is DIRECTLY AND LEGALLY RESPONSIBLE for monitoring, inspecting, and investigating such alleged violations of this privately-owned facility. The NJDOH knew full well that this facility had severe, critical issues, and I take exception to the NJDOH Commissioner Judith Persichilli suggesting otherwise.

And when these issues ventured into the alleged criminal, local and county agencies acted immediately, which in turn prompted overdue action on the part of the state. Additionally, beginning April 1st, the Sussex County Office of Emergency Management has documented, delivered, and confirmed current total of 4.4k n95 masks, 15.7k surgical masks, 10k gloves, and 66 bottles of hand sanitizer to Andover Subacute and Rehabilitation Center I&II, yet multiple staff members have reported no/severely limited PPE. This demands an answer as to where these items are located.

To add insult to injury, regarding Governor Murphy’s “The Road Back” recovery plan press briefing on Monday, Lieutenant Governor Sheila Oliver gave quite the ovation to the Governor on behalf of local and county officials whom she claimed to be “incredibly pleased” with his leadership and COVID-19 response.

Sussex County has experienced lack of access to testing supplies and PPE, elevated deaths in long-term care facilities with no staff support by way of a Governor’s request to deploy the National Guard, no funding to address health infrastructure and no response to our plea to the state to send us ‘discretionary dollars’ granted to the state by the federal government, business owners are losing money daily, there is an overwhelmed UI system, small business relief was promised yet not delivered, and the Board has received no direct response to our request regarding access to State parks and forests. So no, here is one county official who is not “incredibly pleased" with Governor Murphy’s “leadership”, Lieutenant Governor Oliver.

The tone was set as the press briefing kicked off much like a sugar-coated political rally, complete with a hearty pat on the back. And in today’s media briefing, the Governor and Lieutenant Governor took the time again to publicly praise one other. How dare any politician use this crisis for self-congratulation?

ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS cannot stop pushing forward to do better, to be better. You want to compliment professionals in the field? Go right ahead. But DO NOT pat yourselves on the back when we still lack so much, when deaths are NOT under control in our long-term care facilities.

Our federal representatives have failed us in this first round of federal fund distributions We keep hearing this error will be addressed “in the next bill”, as if there was not prior fair warning as to what to expect, and how rural communities would miss out, again and again. Congressman Tom Malinowski (D7), who represents part of neighboring Warren County, actually publicly lamented that the state administration was to use COVID-19-related Federal funding for the purchase of PPE, when there are agencies in this State that desperately need these resources to be steadily replenished.

The myopic vision on display by the Sussex County Democrat Committee leaves no room for consideration of facts, and is further alienating the very residents this group claims to wish to represent. From the top down, Democrat policies have failed - and continue to fail - the citizens of New Jersey and the County of Sussex. This Board will continue to fight and do what is good and right within our powers to demand accountability from the State, the NJDOH, and to protect the residents of Sussex County.

Dawn Fantasia
Deputy Director, Sussex County Board of Chosen Freeholders

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