Sussex County Human Services Advisory Council Service Provider Alert for March 25, 2020

Sussex County Human Services Advisory Council Service Provider Alert for March 25, 2020 ______________________________________________________________________________
The below Service Providers have reported changes to their normal operations. If you have any
questions regarding the operations of a particular provider, please feel free to contact them
directly. Service Providers can add their information to the Service Provider Alert by emailing
their information to Nick Kapetanakis at Updated information and
press releases regarding all of Sussex County can be found at
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Coastal & Northern NJ: All group mentoring programs have been
paused effective April 3. Community Based Programs will continue under CDC guidelines or
through virtual technology. Volunteer group meetings are being held via video conferencing.
Bridgeway: All on‐site activities were ceased as of March 17, 2020. The Partial Care Program
staff will be in regular contact with all persons by phone along with being sent daily messages.
The Supported Employment Program will continue to work by phone for all persons served.
ICMS, Supportive Housing and PATH staff will work by phone and will maintain essential in‐
person services after taking all precautions. Please check the Bridgeway Facebook page for
daily updates.

Capitol Care, Inc.: Effective 3pm on March 19, 2020, all addiction services were suspended
until further notice. Updates will be provided as information becomes available. Please note
that those struggling with addiction should be instructed to call the Sussex County CLEAR
number 24/7 at 844‐722‐5327 (1‐844‐SC‐CLEAR). Recovery coaches are available by phone to
help with support, navigation to treatment and general questions about substance use

DASI: As of March 16, 2020, the DASI Outreach Center, the DASI Legal Advocacy Center and the
DECIDE Program will be temporarily closed to in‐person services. The Morning Glory Shop is
also closed. The DASI 24‐Hour Helpline is always available for information and support (973‐
875‐1211). Text line is available at 973‐222‐2593

DAWNcil: Effective March 14, 2020 through April 3, 2020, all in house or community based
after hour’s activities, social and recreational events, educational seminars, and drop in visits,
etc. have been cancelled. Any face to face visits will be handled via telephone during this
timeframe. The main office will remain open to staff only and business will continue to be
conducted via phone. Please call the office at 973‐625‐1940 or toll free at 1‐888‐383‐3296 for
further information or with any questions.

Division of Child Protection & Permanency Sussex Local Office: At this time visitation and all
field visits have been suspended. An “Impact Team” will respond to intakes on a priority basis.
Division employees will be working off site with a small staff remaining in the office and
available via telephone and/or email only. State referral hotline remains full operational.
Family Intervention Services: FIS will be providing telehealth services to all of its contracted
programs including Mobile Response. Mobile Response can be reached via PerformCare at

Family Partners of Sussex & Morris Counties: Services have been temporarily transitioned to
virtual and telephonic support. All live workshops, support groups and youth groups have been
suspended until further notice. Family Support Partners will be working remotely providing
telephone and video conferencing support to families on an ongoing basis. The Agency is
working quickly to bring the Youth Partnership Program, Parent Support Groups and Education
Workshops to consumers via video conferencing. For further details call 973‐940‐3194.
Family Promise of Sussex County: The Newton office has been closed to the public. All case
management is being completed via telephone. No shelter services are being offered at this
time, but those in need should still be referred for services.

Legal Services of Northwest Jersey: LSNJ continues to provide their full range of services but
the Newton local office is closed to walk‐ins at this time. Applicants and current clients may call
during normal business hours, but they will receive a message asking them to leave their name,
telephone number, and a brief message. Voicemails left by new applicants will generally be
returned the same day.

Morris Sussex Youth Advocate Program: Outpatient services continue to operate during
regular business hours with a few modifications (i.e. limiting the amount of people in the
waiting room); staff have been meeting with families as allowed by the parents. YAP is looking
into providing telehealth. For those that are not able to come into the office, clinicians have
been following up via phone to address and immediate needs.

NewBridge: Effective March 20,2020, all face‐to‐face sessions have been halted and moved to
telephonic telehealth. All clients have been notified of the shift in format.

NORWESCAP Head Start: All Head Start centers are closed to students.

One Stop Career Center: Effective March 18, 2020, the One Stop Career Center is closed to the
public. All reemployment groups, job clubs and individual appointments have been cancelled
until further notice. Staff will be available to answer phones and emails. Anyone needing to
open an unemployment claim can do so online at or can use the
call center phone number at 732‐761‐2020.

Project Self‐Sufficiency: Project Self‐Sufficiency remains open. For the week of March 23rd, our
community hours are 9:00 am to 12:00 pm. Phones are being answered during regular business
hours. Services available on campus at this time include the food pantry and Central Intake,
both of which are open to the general public. We are reassessing our on‐site availability as
necessary. Staff are available with a primary focus on maintaining contact with existing clients
as well as serving the community with emergency basic needs and access to resources,
information, referral and advocacy. Through the Early Childhood Initiative and the County
Council for Young Children, families have access to the Ages and Stages Questionnaire (ASQ)
through the portal to continue developmental promotion. Access to the ASQ Online Family
Portal can be found at (English) or (Spanish). Remotely, we are continuing to offer
Nurse Family Partnership, Healthy Families and Parents as Teachers home visitation programs
case management, and legal consultations via phone or video chat. The following programs
and services have been postponed, and we are reassessing a potential restart date as this
situation develops: New Jersey Youth Corps, Higher Opportunities for Women, The Career Fair,
Sister to Sister Prom Shop, The Spring Fling, Computer and Careering Classes, Links Orientation
Seminar, Parenting Skills Classes, Journey: Opportunity on the Road, Sussex County Council
General Meeting. For the health and safety of our families, staff and community, Little Sprouts
Early Learning Center is closed. A reopen date will be determined.

Samaritan Inn: Main office is operating on normal business hours. Those in need of shelter
should call the main office. Those in need of food are advised to contact the shelter prior to
arrival in order to receive further instructions.

SCARC: All SCARC day programs (including day programs, family support programs etc.) are
closed. SCARC food pantry services are closed.

Sussex County Skylands Ride: Effective March 25, 2020, Skylands Ride will only be providing
demand‐response transportation service to access employment, medical appointments,
prescriptions, medical equipment, food, and other essential services. The Skylands Ride Public
Connect service, including the Saturday Connect service, will be temporarily suspended until
further notice. To schedule a ride through the demand‐response service or for more
information about Skylands Ride, please call (973) 579‐0480.

Sussex County Division of Social Services: Social Service is currently open from 8:30am‐4:30pm
to distribute food from our pantry. We are not seeing clients in the office but they can call 973‐
383‐3600 during our business hours to speak with a staff member. All benefit applications can
be applied for online . This is the easiest, fastest way to apply. If the
person does not have access to the internet, we can mail out a paper application. We have a
drop box outside of the entrance in the back of the building which we are encouraging
everyone to use if they need to deliver paperwork. SNAP recipients due to be recertified in
March or April will continue to receive SNAP benefits and will be recertified at some point in
the future, once the public health crisis has settled. Additional information regarding SNAP
benefits can be found at:‐2020/20200323‐
snap‐press‐release.pdf. Work First New Jersey cash assistance clients who are due for their
case to be reviewed in March or April will automatically receive a 60‐day extension. These
individuals do not need to come into the office. Additional information regarding Work First
New Jersey cash assistance changes can be found at:‐2020/20200319‐social‐services‐temporary‐

Sparta Ecumenical Food Pantry: Hours are 9am to 3pm Wednesday, 9am to 12pm Thursday,
9am to 1pm Friday.

Zufall Health: Dental, medical, behavioral and nutritional counseling continue with limitations
(please contact Zufall Health for more information). Patients are being screened for
Coronavirus symptoms prior to attending their appointment or/and when reporting to the
office. Zufall medical assistants are using protective suits and masks during all screens. All
outreach events have been cancelled. Patient transportation services to the Newton office
have been suspended until further notice.

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