Sussex County Sheriff Michael Strada endorses McCann for Congress

Sussex County Sheriff Michael Strada announced his endorsement of John McCann for Congress.

“Having worked closely with the Bergen County Sheriff’s department for many years, John understands the role of law enforcement as well as the monetary difficulties we face every day,” said Strada.

Strada credited McCann with decreasing inmate medical spending, and spearheading a legal strategy which eliminated overlapping job responsibilities in the Bergen County Sheriff’s Department and the Bergen County Police.

“I know the importance of having partners with the same clear vision on how to reach the goal of a better NJ. We want to do what’s right for the residents, keep them safe, protect their property and always uphold the constitution,” said Strada. “John McCann is that partner law enforcement needs in Congress.”

Sheriff Strada served in the military in Desert Shield and Desert Storm in the 82nd Airborne Division out of Fort Bragg. After his highly decorated military service, he went on to pursue a career in law enforcement. He began his law enforcement career in the Criminal Investigation/Crime Lab Unit at the Morris County Sheriff’s Office. He then went to work with the Mt. Olive Police Department, where he worked both in Patrol and the Investigations Division. Strada has a Masters Degree in Criminal Justice among other certifications and trainings. Strada was elected in November 2010 as the Sussex County Sheriff. He is currently serving his third term.

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