Sussex County Sheriff Mike Strada endorses Frank Pallotta for Congress

Sussex County Sheriff Mike Strada endorsed Frank Pallotta for Congress today. Sheriff Strada won re-election 68 percent to 32 percent in the Republican primary and with 94 percent in the General Election.
“I am endorsing Frank Pallotta today for Congress in the Fifth District,” Strada said. “Frank Pallotta stood with Sussex County and stood with me against the Murphy administration’s attempts to do away with effective border controls.”
“The battle we fought last year, on behalf of the people of Sussex County, has been proved right by the deadly virus we are now facing. Border controls are vital to the safety of our nation, our communities, and our families. Frank Pallotta stepped up and stood with us when we needed help. As a member of Congress, I know he will step up and fight for Sussex County and all the communities of the Fifth Congressional District.”
Frank Pallotta paid tribute to the service of Sheriff Strada: “Mike Strada is fighter and a leader. As a platoon leader in Iraq, as a police officer fighting crime, and as an elected County Sheriff keeping residents of the district safe, Mike Strada has shown he has what it takes and I thank him so very much for his support. It is an honor.”
New Jersey’s Fifth Congressional District includes parts of Bergen, Sussex, Passaic, and Warren Counties.