Sweeney: 2019 Budget: A Win for the People of New Jersey

Senate President Sweeney sent the follow email message to supporters:
The responsibility of crafting a budget that is responsible and effective is always a challenge.That’s because the issues we face are daunting and the goals we want to achieve are significant. I am proud to say that we reached an agreement on a budget that we can all embrace, that addresses our shared priorities and will help move New Jersey forward.
Below is a link to an Op-Ed I wrote that appeared in The Record this Sunday which outlines how this year’s budget embodies the values of Democrats and will serve the needs and best interests of the people of New Jersey. Please click on the headline to view the entire Op-Ed.
Sweeney: In the end, the Legislature and governor delivered for New Jersey
Published in The Record, July 6, 2018
Last Saturday, after weeks of negotiations, the Legislature and Gov. Phil Murphy reached agreement on a state budget. Pundits argue over who won: the Legislature or the governor? Let me be clear: the people of New Jersey won.
Last Saturday, after weeks of negotiations, the Legislature and Gov. Phil Murphy reached agreement on a state budget. Pundits argue over who won: the Legislature or the governor? Let me be clear: the people of New Jersey won.