Sweeney Addresses Members of the Junior Leagues of New Jersey

Sweeney Addresses Members of the Junior Leagues of New Jersey
TRENTON – Addressing the civic leaders of the Junior Leagues of New Jersey during their “Gab & Go” breakfast in the State House Monday, Senate President Steve Sweeney praised the work of the statewide organizations.
“I can’t think of a mission more important than helping women and children living in under-served communities in New Jersey,” said Senator Sweeney. “Your priorities are my priorities. Improving public education, helping to stop opioid addiction, making sure every child has a enough to eat and that women in abusive situations have help, counseling and safe places to go – these are not just core Democratic values, but core human values. What you in your respective organizations do matters greatly to all us.”
“We are honored to have Senate President Sweeney stop by this morning and speak to us,” said Melissa Tassé, Chair of the Junior Leagues of NJ State Public Affairs Committee. “Senator Sweeney has been staunch advocate for women and children. His commitment to investing in the children of our state through increased daycare funding, tackling human trafficking and the opioid epidemic as well as preventing violence against women and children are just a few examples of how Senator Sweeney is fighting for families in New Jersey.”
The State Public Affairs Committee of the Junior Leagues of New Jersey, SPAC, is a statewide, non-partisan committee made up of representatives from each of the eight Junior Leagues in New Jersey who join together to take action on select state and national public issues.
SPAC advocates for initiatives and legislation to improve the quality of life for women and children, improve the quality of education and improve the environment.
The Junior League is an international organization of women committed to promoting volunteerism and to improving the community through effective action and leadership of trained volunteers. Its purpose is exclusively educational and charitable.
With a combined membership of 2,000 women in New Jersey and with the use of a range of advocacy tools, SPAC is able to improve the lives of women and children in the state.