Sweeney Applauds Selection of Sheila Oliver As  Democratic Lt. Governor Candidate 

Sweeney Applauds Selection of Sheila Oliver As 

Democratic Lt. Governor Candidate 

Trenton – Senate President Steve Sweeney issued the following statement today applauding Phil Murphy’s selection of Assemblywoman Sheila Oliver as the Democratic candidate for Lieutenant Governor:

“One of the most important decisions a gubernatorial candidate makes is the selection of a running mate who will work on a successful campaign and who possesses the skills and abilities to serve as New Jersey’s Lieutenant Governor. Phil Murphy made a wise decision in choosing Sheila Oliver.

“Sheila is smart, knowledgeable and principled. She is committed to the Democratic priorities that unify Democratic candidates at all levels and that will appeal to the needs of the voters. We will work together with Phil Murphy, Sheila Oliver and Democratic candidates for the Senate and the Assembly to ensure the election of Democrats who will address the state’s pressing needs and move New Jersey forward. We have challenges to meet but we have a Democratic team that will shape New Jersey’s future and improve the quality of life for the state’s residents and expand opportunities for everyone.” 

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