Sweeney Celebrates Opening of Essex County Inclusive Playground

Sweeney Celebrates Opening of Essex County Inclusive Playground


Bloomfield – Senate President Steve Sweeney attended the opening of Essex County’s first inclusive playground today. The new all-access playground and community center were built as part of an ongoing effort to improve and expand upon Essex County parks.


“It is incredible to see accessible playgrounds opening in our state,” said Senator Sweeney (D-Gloucester/Salem/Cumberland). “I entered politics because I saw that my daughter did not have the same opportunities to learn, play, work and live as other kids. Spaces like this are crucial to making children with disabilities feel included in their communities, something every parent knows is vital to a happy, healthy child. This playground will provide countless kids the opportunity to learn, play and grow with their peers and I hope we can open parks like this in other areas of the state.”


The all-inclusive playground is designed with swings, bridges and slides that accommodate children of all physical abilities. The community center will include storage rooms, accessible bathrooms and a large room for community meetings and events.


“I am grateful Senate President Sweeney was able to join us for such a special occasion,” said Joseph DiVincenzo, Essex County Executive. “As a champion for both the physically and developmentally disabled, I know how much this park means to him. This is a major step forward in making Essex County a place where every person is welcome and where every child can play.”


The renovations come as part of a $300 million, 15 year effort by Essex County Executive Joe DiVincenzo to revitalize the Essex County parks.

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