Sweeney Commends Governor Cuomo’s Call for Tri-State Approach to Vaping Regulation

Sweeney Commends Governor Cuomo’s Call for Tri-State Approach to Vaping Regulation
Trenton – Senate President Steve Sweeney issued the following statement today supporting New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s plan to build a multi-state compact that will coordinate the regulation of e-cigarettes and vaping products:
“I am glad Governor Cuomo recognizes the urgency of the situation and that we will be much more effective together than separate. I hope that Governor Cuomo’s recent statements will immediately result in a coordinated effort to rid New Jersey, along with our neighbors, of these dangerous and addictive products as soon as possible.
“If we are going to have any success at keeping our youth safe from these unregulated, deadly products we have to work together. The Governor is absolutely right. If we don’t coordinate the standards, quantities, age restrictions and flavors of these products, no state will be able to successfully protect their residents.”