Sweeney Joins Public Forum at Seton Hall

Sweeney Joins Public Forum at Seton Hall


Discussion Puts Focus on Cost Saving Reforms


South Orange – Speaking at a public policy forum at Seton Hall University, Senate President Steve Sweeney discussed the cost-cutting reforms in the “Path to Progress” report, including those that will produce savings and efficiencies for municipalities, county governments, local school districts and their employees.


Moderating the forum was Matthew Hale, MPA, Program Chair for the Department of Political Science and Public Affairs at Seton Hall University. Participating were Senator Steve Oroho and Dr. Ray Caprio Professor at Rutgers Bloustein School of Planning & Public Policy.


Senator Sweeney emphasized the need to confront the state’s mounting fiscal problems so that the state can make critical investments in education, transportation, higher education and social services, among other priorities.


“We have to face up to the reality of the deep fiscal crisis we are facing,” said Senator Sweeney. “We can’t grow our way out of it, we can’t tax our way out of it, and it won’t go away by ignoring it. If we refuse to make the needed reforms, we won’t have the ability to fully fund our schools, lower college tuition costs, take over Special Education costs, fix NJ Transit or make other investments for the people of New Jersey.”

To capture savings, the report’s recommendations includes the merger of the high-cost School Employees Health Benefits Plan(SEHBP) into the lower-cost State Health Benefits Plan(SHBP) to take advantage of the cost savings negotiated by the Governor and the state’s largest public workers union. Combining the two healthcare plans will save money at the local level and reduce costs for school employees.


The merger would produce hundreds of millions of dollars in savings for local governments, school systems and their employees, with more savings in future years as additional school districts and government entities rejoin the SHBP.


“A number of the bipartisan fiscal reforms we are discussing today would make New Jersey more affordable for years to come,” said Senator Oroho, (R-Morris/Sussex/Warren). “We shouldn’t let another budget cycle go by without taking action to control spending and improve government efficiency. We need to work together to make New Jersey a place where everyone, from young families to retirees, can afford to live.”


Significant cost savings and educational and service improvements can also be achieved through initiatives such as K-12 regionalization, increased use of shared services at both the county and municipal levels, and shifting the cost of Extraordinary Special Education from the local to the state level, according to the report.


“We are one of the best states in the country when it comes to having an educated workforce with the skills and qualifications necessary to meet the growing demands of business and we can be better,” said Senator Sweeney. “We need to work on the continued expansion of Pre-K, full funding for schools, college affordability and vocational education. But these goals can only be realized if we have the resources to support them.”


Senator Sweeney repeated his pledge that the Path to Progress legislative package will not require retirees to pay more for their healthcare coverage.


The discussion also included proposals to address soaring pension and benefit costs, make government and school districts more efficient, assess the efficiency of our tax structure and leverage state assets.


“These town halls provide forums for public discussions on the issues that have an immediate and long-term impact on the lives of the people of New Jersey,” said Professor Hale. “They are especially valuable for students and university communities, where they are part of an educational process on how government and politics operate.”

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