Sweeney Lauds Supreme Court’s Sports Betting Decision

Senate President Steve Sweeney released a response to Gov. Phil Murphy's letter regarding the current draft of the NJ 2020 budget, a draft of which was sent from the NJ Legislature sent to Murphy for review.

Sweeney Lauds Supreme Court’s Sports Betting Decision


Senate President: ‘A Decisive & Gratifying Victory for NJ’


TRENTON - Senate President Steve Sweeney issued the following statement today praising the U. S. Supreme Court’s landmark decision allowing sports betting in New Jersey. The ruling by the nation’s highest court is the culmination of a seven-year effort to reverse the federal law that limited sports betting to four states, effectively preventing New Jersey from following through on a public referendum allowing wagering on sporting events.


“This is a decisive and extremely gratifying victory for New Jersey. We are on the right side of history with this case with a decision that will allow us to follow through with legally-sanctioned sports betting. We can now seize the opportunity with a new sector of gaming that will help create jobs, generate economic growth and be an important boost to the casino industry and horse racing. Sports betting is already a common practice and making it legal is the most responsible and most beneficial thing to do.


“We fought for more than seven years on this case, overcoming the hurdles of the legal process and standing up against formidable opponents. The fact that we met those challenges and won the approval of the highest court in the country is a byproduct of our determination and the legitimacy of our case.”


Senator Sweeney, former Senator Raymond Lesniak and the New Jersey Legislature were “intervenors” in the consolidated case, Christie, et al vs. the NCAA and the New Jersey Thoroughbred Horseman’s Association vs. the NCAA, filing joint petitions that effectively “repealed” the prohibition on sports betting.


Senator Sweeney said that New Jersey is positioned to capitalize on the ruling quickly and that he expects the sports betting facilities to become operational this year.


Senator Sweeney said he will act to move legislation that will help facilitate the rapid implementation of sports betting in the state.


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