Sweeney: More New Jerseyans leaving for Florida because of out-of-control taxes

Please read this Bloomberg News article.


As the wealthy leave New Jersey for states with much lower tax burdens, it will be our middle class and the working poor who will make up the difference in higher property tax bills. New Jerseyans already pay the highest property taxes in the country, not to mention we pay among the highest income and corporate taxes as well. Even millennials can’t afford to live here anymore.


For those who think the out-migration from New Jersey isn’t happening, the stats in the Bloomberg article are quite staggering and may be irreversible. Why would someone want to pay 12% or 10% of their income in taxes versus Pennsylvania at 3% or Florida at 0%?


This is exactly why I’ve put together a comprehensive plan to reform New Jersey government across the board — from saving billions on public employee healthcare costs to a whole host of other reforms that will make New Jersey more affordable.


Get the facts. Please read my plan here https://pathtoprogressnj.org/ and share it on social media.

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