Sweeney Praises Student-Led ‘March For Our Lives’ Events To End Gun Violence

Sweeney Praises Student-Led ‘March For Our Lives’ Events To End Gun Violence
Trenton – Senate President Steve Sweeney issued the following statement today praising the participants in the "March For Our Lives" rallies in New Jersey and across the country for to end gun violence in our schools and communities:
"I want to praise the students for their activism and determination in fighting to end the gun violence that has taken the lives of so many victims in schools and communities across the country. The tragedies we continue to experience show that no one is completely safe and no community or location is fully immune from the deadly threat of gun violence. The young generation of Americans is taking a stand against these senseless shootings and they are giving voice to the shared demand for the actions needed to reduce and eliminate gun violence. Our children are leading the way.
"New Jersey has been a leader with some of the strongest gun safety laws in the Nation, but there is more that can be done. I will work with my colleagues in the Senate and the Assembly and with the Governor to determine what other actions we can take to make our schools and communities as safe as they should be."