Sweeney Speaks with Rutgers-Newark Students

Sweeney Speaks with Rutgers-Newark Students


Trenton – Senate President Steve Sweeney spoke to students from Rutgers-Newark School of Public Affairs and Administration (SPAA). As a guest speaker in Professor James Davy’s class, he highlighted his time in politics, how he sees the current state of New Jersey and what policy he has pursued throughout his public service, from Freeholder to Senate President.


“The students in these classrooms are the next generation of leaders,” said Senator Sweeney (D-Gloucester/Salem/Cumberland). “It’s inspiring to speak with young adults so eager to work in public policy and administration. I was able to hear their thoughts, concerns and ideas for the future of our state. In order to pursue their ideas for the future, however, we must first create a New Jersey with strong fiscal integrity and financial sustainability. We are fighting to reform the state’s unsustainable pension and health benefits plans so we can invest in the future of New Jersey, a future that belongs to the young men and women in that classroom.”


The Senate President continued to drive home the importance of implementing Path to Progress reforms and gave behind-the-scenes insights on how ideas become bills, how bills move through the legislature, and how various groups influence policy along the way.


“Too many people are disengaged and do not care about how government functions, much less participate in it,” said Professor James Davy, PhD. Director of Rutgers Center for Applied Appreciative Inquiry. “Our students are the opposite, we teach engaged young adults who understand the vital importance of public service. Having elected officials, like the Senate President, guest lecture in our classes inspires the students and allows them to develop an even greater appreciation for the legislative process and the value of public service.”


The SPAA at Rutgers University-Newark educates and motivates students to choose careers in public affairs and administration through its innovative and comprehensive undergraduate and graduate degrees and professional and graduate certificate programs.

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