Sweeney Statement on Prospect of Tax Increases: 'Not Part Of The Solution'

Sweeney Statement on Prospect of Tax Increases
TRENTON -- Senate President Steve Sweeney issued the following statement today in response to Governor Murphy’s stated attitude on tax increases:
“There is a path forward for New Jersey that fixes fiscal problems and restores economic growth but tax increases are not part of the solution. Until we make the desperately-needed structural reforms to government spending and fiscal practices, we will not consider tax increases. Ignoring the need for fiscal reforms will only allow the deeply-rooted financial practices that have plagued the state for too long to continue and become worse. Left unaddressed, we won’t have the resources or the ability to address the needs of the people of New Jersey or invest in the programs and services that can expand economic opportunities. Period, full stop.
“I am fully committed to making the reforms needed to produce real and lasting progress on the state’s fiscal practices and economic conditions. Period, full stop.”