Sweeney Urges Businesses to Stand by Employees

Sweeney Urges Businesses to Stand by Employees
Trenton – In an urgent letter to New Jersey’s business community today, Senate President Steve Sweeney implored employers of the state to stand with their employees through the public health crisis brought on by the coronavirus.
The attached letter was sent to the following organizations and their members: New Jersey State Chamber of Commerce, New Jersey Business & Industry Association, Commerce and Industry Association of New Jersey and the Chamber of Commerce Southern New Jersey.
[pdf-embedder url="https://www.insidernj.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/SP-Sweeney-letter-NJ-Chamber-of-Commerce-NJBIA-Commerce-Industry-South-Jersey-Chamber-Mar-16-2020.pdf" title="SP Sweeney letter NJ Chamber of Commerce, NJBIA, Commerce & Industry, South Jersey Chamber Mar 16, 2020"]