Sweeney-Vitale Bill To Aid the Needy Becomes Law

Sweeney-Vitale Bill To Aid the Needy Becomes Law

Trenton –Senate President Steve Sweeney and Senator Joe Vitale issued the following statements today after their legislation, S-866, that would extend the provision of emergency assistance benefits beyond 12 months to the disabled, relatives of disabled dependents, the elderly and long-term unemployed, was signed into law. These benefits include but are not limited to essential food, clothing, and housing.

“Homelessness is a treatable and preventable condition that puts people at risk for other hardships,” said Senator Sweeney (D-Gloucester/Salem/Cumberland). “This is emergency assistance for those who are homeless or threatened with homelessness. If you don’t have a place to live it is difficult to hold a job, maintain good health or provide family members with other basic necessities.”

“We often see hunger and homelessness going hand-in-hand,’’ said Senator Vitale (D-Middlesex). “This will extend critical assistance to our most vulnerable residents. Unfortunately, the need for assistance with housing and food is not a temporary situation for far too many people. They all deserve the basic stability of a roof over their head.’’

“I commend the hard work Senate President Sweeney and Senator Vitale did to move legislation that assists those who are homeless or on the brink of becoming homeless,” said Renee Wolf Koubiadis, Executive Director of the Anti-Poverty Network of New Jersey. “This new law will provide critical help during a stressful time in one’s life.”

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