Sweeney Welcomes Senator Addiego To Democratic Caucus
Sweeney Welcomes Senator Addiego To Democratic Caucus
TRENTON – Senate President Steve Sweeney issued the following statement today welcoming Senator Dawn M. Addiego of the 8th Legislative District to the Senate Democratic Caucus:
“I want to welcome Senator Addiego to the Democratic Caucus where I know she will be a strong voice for the policies and programs that will serve the best interests of her district and the State of New Jersey. I am confident that she will make valued contributions to the work of the Democratic Majority and the success of the New Jersey Senate.
“Senator Addiego has been a champion for labor issues, women’s rights, the environment and sound economic policies. As a member of the Economic and Fiscal Policy Workgroup she recognizes the serious financial problems that confront us and she understands the need to make the reforms needed to maintain the state’s fiscal health and stability.
“I look forward to working with Senator Addiego in meeting the challenges we face as a new member of the Senate Democrats.”