Tafari Anderson Announces Run For Clifton City Council

Tafari Anderson, Rogers for Governor Campaign Manager, Commissioner on the Clifton Board of Education, advocate for special education and a community activist seek a seat this November for Clifton City Council.
“The City of Clifton needs strong leaders who come to the table with ideas, not ideology,” he said. “I look forward to being the independent voice on the council, and will represent our entire city, including our youth, our seniors, our veterans, our diverse ethnic communities and neighborhoods on both sides of Main Avenue.”
A resident of Clifton for almost 20 years, Anderson said choosing this city as his home has been key to his success in life, and it’s time for him to give back beyond the board of education. “I care deeply and passionately about my community,” he said. “As a fellow Cliftonite, I consider serving on the council not as a politician, but as a servant to the people to provide additional oversight on behalf of the community. I want to do all I can to contribute to preserving all that’s great about The City of Clifton, and to making it an even better place to live, work and for generations to raise a family.”
Unlike the typical candidate, Mr. Anderson has not served as an appointed insider on one of the city’s many boards or commissions, and has not been affiliated with special interest groups that are active in city politics. “I view that as an asset,” he said. “I have always been an independent voice on the Board of Education, and I will bring that independence to the City Council, as well.”
As a long-time community servant and community activist, Mr. Anderson has a deep understanding of the issues facing the Clifton community and has forged relationships with citizens across the city. His outspokenness have promoted fairness, justice, and equality. His extensive background in technology, governance, and finance will provide a solid background needed on the council.
He said his campaign will focus on restoring and improving core city services such as street and park maintenance, expansion of recreation services, increasing participation in city government by residents of both sides of Main Avenue, developing and implementing a strategic plan for the city that includes a strong support for law enforcement and seniors, and pursuing more transparency in budgeting – particularly in regards to the city’s public safety and education obligations.
Anderson, 41, husband, father, advocate, technologist and fellow Cliftonite ask for your support: I humbly ask for your consideration to be one of your choice when you cast your vote for city council to represent your values this November.