Tammy Murphy Campaign Launches – “Cowards” – First TV Ad of NJ Senate Campaign

February 28, 2024


Tammy Murphy Campaign Launches – “Cowards” – First TV Ad of NJ Senate Campaign


RED BANK, NJ –  Tammy Murphy’s campaign today released a new TV ad campaign, “Cowards.” The ad, which was filmed at the National Rifle Association’s World Headquarters, highlights Murphy’s bold leadership and strong position on gun safety by detailing exactly how she will stand up to the gun lobby as a U.S. Senator.


Murphy has been unwavering in her commitment to end the gun violence epidemic and will fight for universal background checks, end immunity for gun makers, and ban military style assault rifles. “Cowards” will run on cable television, streaming and digital platforms.



TAMMY MURPHY: This is the NRA’s World Headquarters. It’s where Cowards work.


TAMMY MURPHY: They know their guns are killing our kids, but they don’t care.


TAMMY MURPHY: And weak, pathetic politicians refuse to stand up to them.


TAMMY MURPHY: In the Senate, I’ll fight for universal background checks, to end immunity for gun makers.


TAMMY MURPHY: And let’s ban military style assault rifles once and for all.


TAMMY MURPHY: I’m Tammy Murphy, and I will make it my mission to take down the NRA.


TAMMY MURPHY: I can’t be bought, I won’t be bullied, and that’s why I approve this message.

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