Tanzie Youngblood wins Endorsement from Action Together New Jersey

For Immediate Release:

Tanzie Youngblood wins Endorsement from Action Together New Jersey


MADISON, NJ, May 29, 2018 – Action Together New Jersey (ATNJ), the largest progressive grassroots group in the state, is proud to endorse Tanzie Youngblood, candidate for Congressional District 2.


“Action Together NJ is excited to endorse Tanzie Youngblood for Congress because she will fight for Medicare for all, Senior Citizen’s rights, quality of life, humane immigration policies, sustainable energy, and to get big money out of politics. As a Blue Star mom, we know she will always do right by the men and women who are currently serving in the Armed Forces and especially our Veterans and the families of soldiers who did not make it home. This is especially timely as we just honored our fallen on Memorial Day.  She is the right choice for New Jersey’s 2nd Congressional District,” declared Alison Arne, ATNJ Atlantic County Co-Chair.

Tanzie Youngblood spent 30 years as a public-school teacher.  She has a B. A. in history, two Masters’ degrees and five teaching certifications, including one as a reading specialist.   Tanzie has spent a lifetime committed to giving our children the tools they need to succeed. Action Together New Jersey believes in supporting candidates who will forward progressive legislation that will provide jobs for working families, enact sensible gun safety laws to keep our children safe from harm, and supporting healthcare for New Jerseyans.

“I am so proud to be endorsed by Action Together New Jersey.  I have had the honor to stand with these women as far back as the first women’s march.  Your endorsement inspires me, it empowers me, and it also touches my heart. Action together New Jersey is that largest, most organized and productive progressive group in the state.  Thank you for putting the weight of your amazing members behind me in these final days. Standing together, we will win June 5th.  Thank you for honoring me with your endorsement.” said Tanzie Youngblood.

About Action Together New Jersey

ATNJ, a non-profit, progressive group, is the largest grassroots organization in New Jersey. ATNJ has chapters in every county, because change is local. Functioning as a central command for statewide initiatives and legislative actions, ATNJ’s teams work with coalitions of like-minded groups to serve the public by educating the electorate, providing a platform for progressive candidates, advancing legislative proposals with elected officials, and working in concert with advocacy groups for human rights. ATNJ seeks to promote equality and progressive ideals and to secure a more inclusive, fair and equitable future for New Jersey and the nation. For more information, visit www.ATNJ.org.

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