With Tax Filing Day Looming, Murphy Stands with Pascrell in Effort to Protect Homeowner Property Tax Deduction

With Tax Filing Day Looming, Murphy Stands with Pascrell in Effort to Protect Homeowner Property Tax Deduction

Newark — Phil Murphy today praised the leadership of Rep. Bill Pascrell in pushing back against Republican plans to eliminate the federal property tax deduction, a longstanding tax break that has helped countless middle-class tax filers annually keep thousands of dollars in their pockets in the state with the nation’s highest property taxes.

“Congressman Pascrell has earned taxpayers’ thanks by leading the fight against this hare-brained idea that shows just how out of touch the Trump Republicans in Washington are with the needs of middle-income families,” said Murphy. “Eliminating the property tax deduction would not only be a huge tax increase on working families and seniors, but, when coupled with Trump’s proposed tax cut for the wealthiest, would be just another huge transfer from the middle class to the wealthy. Governor Christie needs to break with President Trump and the GOP and speak up on behalf of his residents.”

The elimination of the property tax deduction has been endorsed by Governor Christie, who also has decimated middle-class property tax relief programs for middle-class families, disabled residents, and seniors throughout his administration.

According to the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, the current property tax deduction saves the average New Jersey income tax filer approximately $3,500.

“New Jersey needs a governor who will stand strong with Congressman Pascrell and our Congressional delegation against the Trump-Christie agenda that puts our working families in its crosshairs, and not be silent when the Trump Republicans try to increase taxes on the middle class or attempt to destroy healthcare,” said Murphy. “I will be that governor.”

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