Tea Party Express Endorses Matt Mowers for Congress in New Hampshire
June 30, 2020, 8:19 am | in
Tea Party Express Endorses Matt Mowers for Congress in New Hampshire
Sacramento, CA: Tea Party Express, the nation's largest Tea Party political action committee, is pleased to announce its endorsement of Matt Mowers for Congress in New Hampshire’s First Congressional District.
Tea Party Express Co-Founder and Chief Strategist Sal Russo said,“A state with a proud tradition of liberty like New Hampshire deserves to be represented in Congress by someone who knows that limited government and individual liberty go hand-in-hand. Matt Mowers is exactly the kind of liberty-minded conservative the First District needs.
“Most recently, Matt served as the White House Advisor to the State Department, and he saw first-hand how oppressive socialist regimes like those in North Korea and Venezuela have ripped freedom away from their citizens. He understands that an all-encompassing government leads to a loss of liberty, which is exactly what he witnessed in these socialist countries. Matt will go to Congress and fight to protect the liberties that the Granite State cherishes. He will join with fellow conservatives to continue reducing the size of the federal government, eliminating burdensome regulations, and lowering taxes for hard working families and small business owners.
“President Donald Trump endorsed Matt for this Congressional seat because he knows what a dedicated, hard working congressman he will be. He appreciated his service at the State Department, but he also recognized that Matt stands with the economic policies that Trump has advanced to boost American prosperity to give opportunity to all Americans.
“Ronald Reagan reminded us that freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. Sadly, many of the threats to our freedom are not just from abroad but rather from left wing Democrats in Congress who embrace radical socialist ideas. Chris Pappas promised he would defend Granite State values in Washington, but instead he has stood alongside those in his party who promote these dangerous policies. Matt Mowers will rally against the Democrats’ anti-liberty agenda and always put New Hampshire first," Russo concluded.
The following are statements from local grassroots leaders:
“I watched Nancy Pelosi and her supporters destroy the once Golden State of California. As Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi now brings her San Francisco politics to laws that impact us in New Hampshire. Today Chris Pappas supports Nancy Pelosi and the leftist agenda in Washington. Matt Mowers will help end the rule of Nancy Pelosi and her politics by defeating Chris Pappas and the disastrous effects of the over-bearing government they represent.”
-The Hon. Howard Kaloogian, Co-Founder and Chairman of Tea Party Express, Weare
"Matt Mowers is the right guy to take on Chris Pappas and Nancy Pelosi in November. He will fight for conservative values and always put New Hampshire first."
-Rev. Paul Terry, Alton
"Matt Mowers is a true conservative who will stand with President Trump against the radical socialists in Washington."
-Peter Varney, Alton
"Matt Mowers has what it takes to stand up to the Pelosi machine and stop socialism. It's time to unite behind the candidate who can beat Chris Pappas in November."
-Patty Famino, Wolfeboro
"Chris Pappas votes with Nancy Pelosi 100% of the time. Matt Mowers stands with President Trump and will put New Hampshire first."