Team Bhalla Files  2,796 Petition Signatures

Team Bhalla Files  2,796 Petition Signatures
Councilman Ravi Bhalla, candidate for Hoboken Mayor, and his at large slate of Councilman Jim Doyle, Emily Jabbour and John Allen all together filed 2,796 petition signatures with the City Clerk, well-exceeding the number needed to qualify for the ballot.  Bhalla filed  1,004 himself.
Councilman Ravi Bhalla said, “We engaged voters throughout the City in our petition-gathering effort, using it as an opportunity to have thousands of conversations at residents' doors and in strategic locations.  Voters were responsive to our plans for fixing our aging infrastructure, comprehensively addressing our flooding problem, holding the line on taxes, and building on the successes of the Zimmer Administration.  Between now and election day, we will continue and step-up our active grassroots campaigning, assisted by dedicated volunteers.”
The Bhalla campaign is strongly encouraged by the positive responses it received in all corners of the City.

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