Team Davis Releases Plan to Continue Improving Bayonne Parks and Recreation Facilities 

Team Davis Releases Plan to Continue Improving Bayonne Parks and Recreation Facilities 

BAYONNE, NJ -- Mayor Jimmy Davis and his team are releasing their plan to continue their record of investing millions of dollars into Bayonne's public parks and recreation facilities. The plan addresses major improvements that have been made in the last four years as well as current projects and several planned projects at city parks. 

The Team Davis parks plan is available here:

“Bayonne kids deserve the opportunity to play in the best parks we can give them, and that’s why we’ve made investing in parks and recreation one of our top priorities," said Mayor Davis. "Our team is committed to Bayonne’s future and we’ll never stop fighting for all of our kids. We'll also continue to make these investments without overburdening taxpayers by utilizing millions of new tax dollars being generated by new development, and taking advantage of community benefit agreements with developers to add public space at no cost to the city." 

Team Davis' park improvements will be on full display tomorrow at the Dennis P. Collins Park Rededication Ceremony, which will celebrate many enhancements made to the park recently such as a new Splash Zone, Basketball Courts and Dog Park plus Resurfaced Volleyball and Tennis courts, new Corn hole toss, Yoga area, Outdoor exercise equipment and more. The event will begin at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, April 14

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