Team Webber: Webber Is Victorious

Webber Is Victorious

Whippany, NJ – The Webber for Congress campaign was eager to participate in last night's set of forums. Both the Jewish Federation of Metro West Candidate Forum and the Ogdensburg Candidate Forum were an opportunity for Jay to speak directly to voters in New Jersey's 11th Congressional District.

Campaign spokesperson Ronica Cleary made the following statement: "When voters hear the contrast between the two candidates in this race, there is no doubt who will fight for them in Washington and make New Jersey's 11th District better for everyone. Montclair Mikie Sherrill is out of touch and out of step with what voters need and want. Last night, her extreme, Pelosi-esque agenda was on full display for all to see. Sherrill also showed her lack of policy knowledge when corrected twice by Robert Crook on issues regarding the Republican tax cut and energy policy. We need a bipartisan leader like Jay Webber to keep this country moving forward and we look forward to the rest of this week's upcoming debates."

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