Teaneck P.B.A. Local #215 Endorses Pagan, Orgen and Schwartz for Council

Teaneck P.B.A. Local #215 Endorses

Pagan, Orgen and Schwartz for Council


Teaneck, N.J. – Teaneck Policemen’s Benevolent Association (P.B.A.) Local #215 has endorsed Michael Pagan, Karen Lew Orgen and Deputy Mayor Mark J. Schwartz for Council saying the three “candidates are capable of leading Teaneck through the long-lasting effects of this crisis.”


“We are fighting for those who fight for us on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic every single day in Teaneck,” said Pagan, Orgen and Schwartz in a joint statement. “We thank P.B.A. Local #215 and look forward to working with them so that our police officers receive the support they need so they can continue to do the incredible job they are already doing.  Revenue from recent smart development has enabled the Township to maintain appropriate funding levels for all of our first responders.  And we support fair pay for our police officers and making sure enough cadets are at the Academy to fill retiring positions at the Department.  Together, we are Moving Teaneck Forward and Keeping Teaneck Safe.”


Below is the text of the letter P.B.A. Local #215 issued endorsing Pagan, Orgen and Schwartz for Teaneck Council:


Dear Teaneck resident,


The Teaneck PBA will be supporting candidates Michael Pagan, Karen Orgen, and Mark Schwartz for the 2020 Teaneck council. Pagan, who also is a member of the Teaneck Senior Citizens Advisory Board, is working overtime at his job on behalf of Bergen County to keep our neighbors and all Bergen County residents informed through his position as Public Information Officer for the County. Orgen, who was the first female president of the Teaneck Volunteer Ambulance Corps, has been working overtime in her capacity as a pharmacist to help keep her customers, patients and neighbors healthy and well. Deputy Mayor Schwartz, who is also a volunteer firefighter and an 18-year member of the Teaneck Volunteer Ambulance Corps, has been working around the clock and is focused on keeping residents informed of all township-related developments through numerous telephone town halls and through social media. We have full confidence that these candidates are capable of leading Teaneck through the long-lasting effects of this crisis.     




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James Hoover

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Craig Luebeck

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