Ted Gamble Remarks On Bloomfield Mayoral Appointment
I would like to thank my fellow council members for this opportunity. I have had the honor of serving with them and worked alongside each one going door to door talking to residents, serving on Boards & Committees, supporting community events, picking up trash to make a more beautiful Bloomfield or debating policies in our council meetings. Our strength is that each one of us is highly engaged and we have a history of working together to get things done. I intend to continue this collaboration to achieve the goals I have for this community. I would also like to thank my family. My wife Jenni and son Asher I love you both very much and I wouldn’t be able to do this without your support.
I do not take this responsibility lightly. I will dedicate myself to this position the same way I’ve been committed to my council position for the past seven years. However, as Mayor there is an added weight and responsibility. As Mayor I will lead us forward and provide a vision that takes Bloomfield into the future. We’ve made great progress as a township, and I intend to drive us into new territory so that Bloomfield is synonymous with excellence.
As I’ve stated previously in council meetings sustainability needs to be a part of everything we do moving forward. Environmental issues that we once thought were global are now local issues and we’ll need to address them from the ground up. We will build on the progress that we’ve made and create a roadmap with Sustainable Jersey to get the township to Silver Certification. In doing so we will push for the completion of solar projects and address floodwater mitigation.
As Mayor I will insist on further Budget transparency and designate a Budget Subcommittee to identify any cost saving opportunities. When passing the Budget we will share infographics in addition to the user friendly version of the budget so it is clear how your tax dollars are being spent and provide updates on new tax revenue generated by cannabis businesses and new developments.
One of the most important things we do as elected officials is listening to our constituents. For our township to best serve this community we need dedicated full-time support to address our residents needs and concerns. This is why I’m proposing we create a Constituent Services department but I don’t want to stop there. We need to leverage technology to track these concerns, resolve them in a timely manner and track the data to identify any larger problems that need to be addressed.
Bloomfield has been a community on rise over the last few years and the development that has taken place has changed the landscape. As some of these larger projects come to fruition, we will repave our downtown to create an inviting walkable business district with access to mass transit. There is more work to be done. I’m tired of seeing empty storefronts and businesses closing. We need a Business Development Advocate who can not only focus on the redevelopment district but all of Bloomfield so that business down Bloomfield Avenue and up Broad street are supported. A business advocate can help local businesses identify grant funding to start a new venture as well as identify national retailers that can come to Bloomfield so we have multiple thriving business districts.
Finally, I won’t be able to execute any of these ideas without our township employees who are the backbone of everything we do. To each one of our employees, I say to you tomorrow is a new day in Bloomfield. The way we’ve always done things isn't the way we will do it going forward. I want each one of you to feel empowered in your position because everything you do makes a difference in your department and to the residents you serve. I will meet with each department to foster an environment of progress and innovation where each individual feels valued and appreciated.
These are just some of my goals as Mayor and I look forward to tackling them with my council colleagues. Once again I thank Bloomfield for electing me and providing me with this opportunity and I plan to do everything I can to face the challenges ahead.
Thank you,
Mayor Ted Gamble
Township of Bloomfield