Tedesco Introduces 2018 County Budget With No County Tax Increase

Tedesco Introduces 2018 County Budget With No County Tax Increase

(Hackensack) – Earlier this week, Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco presented his 2018 budget proposal to the Bergen County Board of Chosen Freeholders. This budget proposal includes no county tax increase. Bergen County, despite being the most populous county in New Jersey, continues to have the second lowest county tax rate in the state under this proposal. Under the Tedesco Administration, Moody’s Investors Service has continued to assign Bergen County its highest rating, Aaa, citing the county’s strong financial management team, which has emphasized strategic long term planning to maximize fiscal control and flexibility.

The 2018 budget proposal funds millions in infrastructure investments and improvements, increases education funding by $4.4 million, and continues to prioritize programs that serve Bergen County veterans, seniors, and children. The budget also ensures that full-time county workers earn a living wage of $15 an hour that they deserve. A $10 million increase in county revenue helped keep the tax rate flat, while also continuing to fund the administration’s priorities.

“Despite what some may say, government should not be run like a business, because government does not exist to turn a profit. Government exists to the serve the people,” said County Executive Tedesco. “By bringing business principles to the management of the county, we are delivering a budget that keeps taxes flat while meeting the needs of the people of Bergen County today and providing the foundation to continue building a better Bergen County for years to come.”

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