Tedesco Presents $1.8M in Open Space Funding to Franklin Lakes for Alice & Bud’s Meadow

Tedesco Presents $1.8M in Open Space Funding to Franklin Lakes for Alice & Bud’s Meadow

(Franklin Lakes) – Yesterday afternoon, Bergen County Executive Jim Tedesco, joined by Bergen County Freeholder Tracy Zur, presented a ceremonial check for $1.8 million from the Bergen County Open Space Trust Fund to Franklin Lakes Mayor Frank Bivona for the purchase of the 12.2 acre property of Franklin Lakes residents Alice and Bud Schwartz.  With additional funding support from the state’s Green Acres program and the Land Conservancy of New Jersey, the borough was able to honor the Schwartz family’s wishes to protect the property from future development. The preservation of Alice & Bud’s Meadow enhances the ability for residents and visitors to enjoy the natural beauty of Franklin Lakes, as the property abuts previously acquired open space including the area known as Old Mill Woodlands and an extensive network of trails and nature paths.

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