TESTA: Andrzejczak Pleads Ignorance About His Own Campaign

GOP Senate challenger Mike Testa, Jr. released the following statement in response to Democrat Senator Bob Andrzecjzak's brief apperance on the "Hurley in the Morning" program on WFPG radio earlier today:
"During Bob Andrzejczak's painfully awkward appearance on the "Hurley in the Morning" program, the Senator himself raised some serious questions about who exactly is running his campaign, since he basically admitted that, to date, he has absolutely zero control over what happens or what is said by the person who has repeatedly been quoted as his campaign spokesman," said Testa. Jr.  
"Sadly, this is exactly the problem with Bob Andrzejczak," continued Testa.  "He seems like a nice man, but he is clearly beholden to the Camden Democrat political machine and their operatives who orchestrate his every move and mostly hide him from the press, while their shady Super PAC spends millions of dollars smearing me and my running mates.  Frankly, it says a lot that Senator Andrzejczak can go on the radio to throw his campaign spokesman under the bus over attacking a local radio host, but he won't dare criticize the Camden political bosses and their shady PAC for darkening and distorting the photo of an African-American candidate and calling him a 'deadbeat' because he encountered some tough times in the wake of Hurricane Sandy destroying his home."
"The people of the 1st Legislative District have a very clear choice on November 5th.  They can continue to vote for political puppets like Senator Andrzejczak, who take orders from Camden and vote with Phil Murphy 95% of the time, or they can vote for me, an independent-minded conservative who will fight the radical liberal agenda in Trenton and provide the Republican check and balance we need against failed one-party Democrat rule in Trenton," concluded Testa, Jr.
Transcript of Hurley - Andrzejczak Interview Below (audio link above)
Andrzejczak: "It was really frustrating and insulting to me that my campaign would be putting that out.  And I do not condone those words...those words were absolutely not mine..."
Hurley: "Does he (Quinn) still work for you?"
Andrzecjzak: "He does not work for my campaign now."
Hurley: "So, he's been dismissed?"
Andrzejczak: "Yeah, he does not partake in my campaign."
Andrzejczak: "It was frustrating that his words were being put out there.  Especially being put out there without my OK.  So, I mean clearly, if, that came across my desk I would say 'NO' we, we can't do this."
Mickey Quinn, Andrzejczak Spokesman (who allegedly never talked to Andrezjczak)
Tuesday, 9/24, Quinn cited as Andrzejczak campaign spokesman
Saturday, 9/21, Quinn cited as Andrzejczak campaign spokesman

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