Testa Applauds Recreational Fishing Industry on Reopening Proposal with Safety in Mind

Testa Applauds Recreational Fishing Industry on Reopening Proposal with Safety in Mind

Senator Michael Testa commended the Recreational Fishing Alliance and United Boatmen of New Jersey for their plan to open their shuttered industry while taking proactive measures to ensure the safety and security of all on-board.

“I applaud James Donofrio of the Recreational Fishing Alliance and Captain Bob Rush of the United Boatmen of New Jersey for proposing calculated, cautious, and sensible steps towards opening this essential industry in the Jersey Shore region,” said Testa (R-1). “Owners and operators of for-hire vessels, and their crew, are willing and eager to get back to work. “While we cannot make up for the thousands of jobs and the millions in revenue lost, an opening – with concrete criteria and contingencies – of our recreational fishing industry will strengthen our South Jersey economy and help us better prepare for the upcoming Memorial Day Weekend.”

Gov. Murphy appeared on Fox and Friends on the morning of April 30. Regarding this proposal, Gov. Murphy said he would “take it under consideration” and “take it seriously.”

The governor has yet to develop a concrete plan with dates to reopen the vast majority of industries that have been shut down due to COVID-19.

“I encourage more industries to promote and submit a reopening plan to the governor and legislature,” added Testa. “With one out of ten New Jerseyans seeking unemployment, the ‘cure’ has proven to be worse than the disease. We must restore normalcy, while taking precautionary measures, to get our once roaring economy back on track.”

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