Testa Calls on Murphy to Cut the Hypocrisy and Follow the Rules on NJ Cannabis Regulatory Commission

Testa Calls on Murphy to Cut the Hypocrisy and Follow the Rules on NJ Cannabis Regulatory Commission

The glaring absence of a member of a social justice organization on New Jersey’s newly established Cannabis Regulatory Commission is a troubling oversight that should be remedied, Senator Mike Testa said today.

The commission is charged with determining who can legally grow and sell marijuana in New Jersey.

“This is more than minor error, it is an embarrassing mistake by a Governor who doesn’t feel the need to follow his own rules,” said Testa (R-1). “It is difficult to respect Murphy’s legalization efforts when he can’t even honor the clear and unambiguous language within the law.”

This week, an attorney for the New Jersey chapter of the NAACP stated the makeup of the commission violates the law that created it.

As reported in the Gothamist, in his letter, attorney Gregg L. Zeff “quoted a section of the new cannabis legislation, ‘At least one member shall by a State representative of a national organization or State branch of a national organization with a stated mission of studying, advocating, or adjudicating against minority historical oppression, past and present discrimination, unemployment, poverty and income inequality, and other forms of social injustice or inequality.’”

Zeff claimed that it is not clear that any appointed member of the commission meets the requirement.

“I am greatly troubled by the NAACP’s statement. It appears Murphy may have failed to follow his own law, and I’m calling on the Governor to respond,” said Testa. “We need to understand if he is meeting the requirements, and if not, we deserve to know why.

“If legalization is really about social justice, why would the Governor ignore the mandates for the commission?” asked Testa.

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