TESTA: Murphy Rather Fund Planned Parenthood Than Create Economic Development for Cape May County

TESTA: Murphy Rather Fund Planned Parenthood Than Create Economic Development for Cape May County

Murphy Vetoes $4 Million in Funding for Wildwood Boardwalk Improvement While Democrats Pledge $8.8 Million in Additional Aid to Planned Parenthood

Cape May Court House –  Following today’s veto of $4 million in funding for the Greater Wildwoods Tourism and Development Authority (S1364,) Mike Testa, Jr., State Senate Candidate (LD1,) slammed Governor Murphy for putting the interests of his far-left political base before the needs of Cape May County taxpayers and our economy in South Jersey.

“First Governor Murphy slashed our school funding by millions while giving tuition aid to illegal immigrants.  Now, he’s vetoing millions more for the Wildwood Boardwalk Improvement so he can fund America’s number one abortion provider, Planned Parenthood – it’s unconscionable!” said GOP Senate candidate Mike Testa, Jr.  “Once again, where is the Silent Senator, Bob Andrzejczak, on this key issue?  Sadly, the Senator too often remains quiet when it comes to the havoc being wreaked by Trenton Democrats on South Jersey, for fear that angering them will jeopardize the millions of dollars in special interest campaign contributions they have earmarked to save his political career this November.”

On Wednesday, Trenton Democrats announced their support for additional funding for Planned Parenthood.

While Planned Parenthood does not have a location in Legislative District One, the organization still gave Senator Bob Andrzejczak a 100 percent rating in 2018.

Testa noted that under Andrzejczak’s watch Cape May County families have nearly lost $10 million in funding in the past 3 months.

“Bob is a good man, and I’m sure I would enjoy grabbing a beer with him. However, he belongs to a Democratic Party that is robbing our families of a quality education, property tax relief, and necessary tourism investment,” Testa added. “Let’s do the math – Murphy’s recent school funding and tourism cuts amount to more than $80 for every man, woman, and child in Cape May County.

“Enough is enough, voting for any Democrat this November is rewarding Governor Murphy and Trenton Democrats for their continuous attacks on Cape May County families.”





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