The Best Investment Return You’ll Ever Earn

One of the greatest and most significant investments that we as a society can make toward the future success of our nation is in early childhood education. Research shows that the best time to shape future productivity is from birth to age five (5). This is because the brain is most apt for development. Stimulating educational influences during this time period lays the foundation for the cognitive and character skills necessary to achieve success in school, personal health, professional development for the rest of one’s overall life.

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Apply to be on a Citizen Advisory Panel

I hope that you will consider joining my Citizen Advisory Panel. My grandmother often said, “If you just observe, you get the government you deserve.” It is with that thought in mind that I created the Citizen Advisory Panel. The panel is made up of local residents and community leaders who desire to be a part of the conversation towards making our communities better. We discuss a myriad of topics and I directly seek the input of panel members on legislation that comes before me. I believe that collective idea sharing and a method of consistent dialogue with those that I represent can translate into actions which will improve the way our government serves the people of our great state. See below for the upcoming schedule of meetings:

March 15, 6pm
April 19, 6pm


calendar.png Upcoming Events | Click here to see upcoming events in LD7

Assembly Education Committee School Funding Public Hearing
Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 03:00 PM
Statehouse Annex, Committee Room 11
Trenton, NJ

RISE for Women Launch Event
Thursday, February 23, 2017 at 06:00 PM
Moorestown Community House
Moorestown, NJ

Willingboro Community Prayer Service
Saturday, February 25, 2017 at 01:00 PM
Alpha Baptist Church
Willingboro, NJ

NLC Winter Reception
Monday, February 27, 2017 at 06:30 PM
Harvest Moon Brewery and Cafe
New Brunswick, NJ

Governor’s Budget Address
Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 02:00 PM
Statehouse Annex
Trenton, NJ

Code Blue Shelters Fundraiser
Tuesday, February 28, 2017 at 06:30 PM
Double Nickel Brewing Company
Pennsauken, NJ

news.png Recent News

A Declaw Law? Veterinarians Divided Over N.J. Cat Claw Bill

Remembering Jamie Fox, Respected By All In NJ Politics | Moran

Christie’s Public Pension Legacy: Broken Promises, No Effective Fixes

ACA Repeal Could Be Devastating Fiscal Hit To N.J. Economy

Disabled Haddonfield Woman In Fight To Keep Home

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