The Damiano Team Files in Little Falls

Little Falls, NJ) – Touting a record of delivering progress and fiscal responsibility for Township residents, Little Falls Mayor James Damiano, Councilwoman Christine Hablitz, and Council President Anthony Sgobba filed their nominating petitions to seek re-election.


“Our team has delivered on promises to stabilize taxes, improve municipal services, invest in infrastructure, and keep the community safe,” said Damiano, Hablitz, and Sgobba, speaking as a team. “In recent years, the Township has applied for and received record levels of grant funding, helping kickstart a comprehensive streetscape project, and restore the Little Falls roadway improvement program that was suspended by previous administrations. The Little Falls Police and Fire Departments are proactively supported by the administration, receiving the critical resources they need to keep us safe now, while also planning for future needs. Accomplishments like these, and many more, have been made at little added cost to local taxpayers, who saw an overall tax decrease just last year. This isn’t politics, this is good government in action.”


The 2024 Primary Election will be held on Tuesday, June 4th followed by the General Election on Tuesday, November 5th.

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