Thousands to Rally at Trenton Statehouse in Support of Driver’s Licenses For More Residents
Thousands to Rally at Trenton Statehouse in Support of Driver’s Licenses For More Residents
Marchers will gather in the State House Annex to Rally in support of expanding access to driver’s licenses to more New Jersey residents including undocumented immigrants
STATEWIDE --September 6th, 2018, 10:30am-- Supporters from across New Jersey will be heading to the Trenton State House to rally in support of driver’s licenses for more than 500,000 New Jersey residents who currently lack access. Speakers will urge the community members to join the Let’s Drive NJ campaign in support of expanding access to driver’s licenses.
Undocumented and mixed - status immigrant families live in fear of being stopped for a simple traffic violation and turned over to ICE. However, access to a driver’s license will help many to feel safe while driving their kids to school, or taking their kids to doctor's appointments. Additionally, expanded access to driver’s licenses is expected to benefit to all New Jerseyans through increased road safety, a boost to New Jersey’s economy through collection of fees and insurance payments, and increase the well-being of communities by decreasing the risk of family separation.
WHAT: Thousands to march and rally at the Trenton statehouse to show support for expanding access driver’s licenses including undocumented residents
New Jersey Alliance For Immigrant Justice
American Civil Liberties Union of New Jersey
Faith in New Jersey
Ironbound Community Corp.
Make the Road New Jersey
New Labor
New Jersey Working Families
Wind of the Spirit, Immigrant Center
Northeast Regional Council of Carpenters
Casa Freehold
New Jersey Policy Perspective
Johanna Calle, New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice
Jauana, TPS Holder, American Friends Service Committee
HeraciloMake the Road New Jersey
Amol Sinha, ACLU - NJ
DACA recipient, LALDEF Leader
Faith Leader
New Jersey Policy Perspective
VISUALS: Opportunities for photos of crowd of thousands of marchers wearing bright Let’s Drive NJ campaign t-shirts and chanting. Opportunities for interviews with activists and supporters.
Thursday, September 6th, 2018, 10:30am
Interviews available upon request
Speakers to be finalized.