Timberlake Criticizes Hugin for Accepting Parker Space Endorsement

“I am appalled and deeply disturbed by Bob Hugin’s acceptance of Parker Space’s endorsement. Space stood proudly by the Confederate flag and used sexist derogatory terms to describe his female political opponent. Space’s appreciation for the Confederate flag is so blatant, he was the lone lawmaker to abstain when the General Assembly voted in 2015 to condemn Confederate flag displays. These acts resemble the trademark racist and misogynistic philosophies of Donald Trump. Bob Hugin’s acceptance of Space’s endorsement clearly shows he will follow Trump’s xenophobic agenda if elected to the United States Senate. New Jersey does not need a Trump pawn who will seek to divide us and carry out policies that prey on disenfranchised communities. We cannot allow Bob Hugin and Donald Trump to turn back the clock on the progress we have made nor allow this divisiveness to breed fear and hatred. New Jersey needs a voice that will unite us all and who stands for equality and equity for all.” -Britnee N. Timberlake

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