To My Fellow Republicans: Let’s Re-elect Jenna Figueroa Kettenburg in 2024!

To My Fellow Republicans: Let’s Re-elect Jenna Figueroa Kettenburg in 2024!

While so much attention is being paid to the race for President, there’s another election happening right here in South Trenton that could prove to be just as important than the one for the White House.  As a lifelong resident of the area and a local Republican committeeman, I’ve been paying close attention to Councilwoman Jenna Figueroa Kettenburg and her work on City Council.  I am in full support of her bid for reelection!

She is committed to literally cleaning up our neighborhoods, identifying alleyways and lots where illegal dumping has occurred and finding abandoned buildings in need of demolition.  She’s fought for the repaving of dozens of streets and supports efforts to make sure that we’re able to have places to park on them without having to worry about utility vehicles taking our spots.  She has gotten the city to approve the installation of speed bumps, stop signs, and one-way signs so our kids can play outside again, and our seniors can take their morning or evening walks in peace.  She’s championed the city’s first ordinance on unchecked animal breeding, keeping our kids and pets safe from future strays.

Those are some of the things Jenna has done, but she’s running for reelection because she wants to do more.  She’s working to reopen the Skelton Library, providing our residents and especially our kids with a place to learn more and socialize.  Jenna is also working to get improvements for our parks in South Trenton, she’s championed the redevelopment of Orange St. Park (Roebling Park).  And of course, she’ll continue to get the streets sweeped, trees trimmed, and anything else we need done here in South Trenton.  I can vouch for this, personally.

As a kid I spent a lot of time in Skelton Library and playing in Franklin Park, these experiences are invaluable for our children.  We all want a city where our kids can grow up safe, play outside, and have access to the places and resources necessary for them to grow up healthy and happy.

We’re very fortunate to have Councilwoman Jenna Figueroa Kettenburg who wants that too and fights for it every single day.

Please join me in supporting Jenna on Tuesday, November 5.


- Michel F. Hurtado

Republican Committeeman

Former Assembly candidate


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