TODAY: Public Hearing on DEP’s Stormwater Rules

TODAY: Public Hearing on DEP’s Stormwater Rules

The Department of Environmental Protection NJ Department of Environmental Protection is proposing amendments, repeals, and new rules to the Stormwater Management rules, N.J.A.C. 7:8. This is the first rule under the DEP have proposed under the Murphy Administration.

Who: New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection

What: Public Hearing on new amendments to the Stormwater Management Rules

Where: Department of Environmental Protection, 1st floor Public Hearing Room, 401 East State Street Trenton, NJ 08625

When: Tuesday January 8, 2019 at 1:00 pm

“We have waited almost a year for a new Murphy DEP rule to be proposed. The proposed stormwater management rule is not only a disappointment, but we have to actually oppose it. It does not deal with climate change, flooding, combined sewer overflows, and would make it easier to build pipelines. The model is based on dealing 100-year storm events that we are having every year. The rule calls for green infrastructure but keeps the current standards that do not work. It also keeps in place Christie’s rollbacks of the 300 foot buffers, SWARPA, revegetating stream buffers or riparian corridors as a way of dealing with non-point pollution,” said Jeff Tittel, Director of the New Jersey Sierra Club. “DEP is just taking the broken current system and adding some green amendments. This is really green cover for a rule that will cause more flooding and water pollution.”

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