Tom MacArthur is the Only NJ Congressperson to Vote for Permanent Tax Hikes for NJ Families

In a fundraising missive sent out this afternoon, Rep. Andy Kim described anonymous phone calls that were made to voters in NJ's Third Congressional District aimed at casting doubt on Kim's trustworthiness ahead of the 2020 election.

Tom MacArthur is the Only NJ Congressperson to Vote for Permanent Tax Hikes for NJ Families

MARLTON NJ — Today, Congressman Tom MacArthur reaffirmed his agenda that hurts New Jersey families by voting for the GOP Tax Bill that will line his pockets at the expense of New Jersey families.

“The fact that Tom MacArthur was once again the only New Jersey Member of Congress to vote for capping state and local tax deductions shows how extreme he is," said Andy Kim. "Today our Congressman voted to line his own pockets by prioritizing his corporate donors. I stand with the rest of the New Jersey delegation, including the other four Republican Congressmen who voted against permanently taking away these tax deductions that New Jersey middle class families depend on."

Congressman MacArthur has a history of voting with corporate special interests. He took over $400,000 from prescription drug and insurance companies and wrote the health care bill that would gut protections for people with pre-existing conditions, raise premiums, hike prescription drug costs, and impose an age tax older Americans. MacArthur also invested nearly a million dollars of personal money into companies that stood to benefit from his legislation three months before his bill passed. Prior to his vote on the first tax bill, MacArthur invested hundreds of thousands of dollars into oil and gas companies that he voted to give a $25,000,000,000 tax break.

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