Tom Malinowski wants to take away your health care and replace it with….Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung?

Tom Malinowski wants to take away your health care and replace it with….Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung?


“…We’ll end up with something that looks like, maybe, a German single-payer system at the end.” – Tom Malinowski, July 17, 2018


At a fundraiser hosted by New Jersey’s dark money king Steve Fulop, carpetbagging life-long progressive candidate for Congress Tom Malinowski endorsed a so-called, “Medicare Buy-In” legislation which is the beginning code-speak for “Medicare for All.”

Forget the fact that AARP and other organizations have warned that so-called “Medicare Buy-In” legislation would hasten Medicare’s insolvency, further erode employer-sponsored health care and retiree health benefits, limit choices and ultimately lead to higher taxes and fewer benefits, Malinowski took the issue one-step further, calling for a U.S. health care system, “….that looks like, maybe, a German single-payer system…”

Was zum Teufel???!!!

Here are just few things that 7th District voters can expect from Tom Malinowski’s German single-payer health care plan:

  •  7th District voters insured through work would see higher taxes, fewer benefits and a nearly $3 trillion spending hole;
  • 7th District Medicare beneficiaries who choose “Medicare Advantage” plans offered by those private health insurers would lose their preferred coverage;
  • 7th District voters who buy their own insurance would pay higher taxes;
  • Government price controls would cost New Jersey tens of thousands of good-paying jobs in life sciences sectors.
  • 7th District doctors and hospitals would likely face pay cuts.

Leonard Lance does not support a German-style single-payer health care system.

As a member of the Problem Solvers Caucus, Leonard Lance supports a plan that lowers premiums, drives down health-care costs, encourages competition and gives every American access to quality, affordable health insurance.  The Lance Plan includes:

  •  Protecting those with pre-existing conditions;
  • Providing a stable transition for those forced into Obamacare at no fault of their own;
  • Implementing cost-saving provisions like purchase of policies across state lines, small business pooling and medical malpractice reform.
  • Repealing the medical device tax that is hurting jobs in New Jersey;
  • Shoring up Medicare’s solvency to protect and strengthen the program now and into the future.

“Having spent the last 20-plus years living in Washington, DC, Tom Malinowski understandably doesn’t know that 7th District voters don’t want higher taxes, more spending, fewer benefits and government price controls that kill good-paying jobs.  But that’s what they’ll get under Tom Malinowski’s radical German-style single-payer health care plan.  Leonard Lance wants to improve our U.S. health care system with lower costs, improved access and increased quality of life for hard working 7th District families,” Lance for Congress campaign manager Jim Hilk said.


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