Top Law Enforcement Officials Call On Sherrill To End The Witch Hunt On ICE Agents

Warn Of Real-Life Consequences To Our Communities
"I stand with the women and men who serve and sacrifice as ICE agents and employees," said Webber. "It is important that our elected representatives support the law enforcement community, especially as we all work together to try and solve the opioid crisis. It is unconscionable that Mikie Sherrill actually organized a rally that called for the abolition of ICE, and refuses to back down from that indefensible position."
Sheriff Gannon added, "Every branch of law enforcement is intertwined and reinforces one another's responsibilities. In addition to identifying, investigating and prosecuting dangerous illegal immigrants, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) also plays an especially critical role in keeping drugs off of our streets, seizing hundreds of thousands of pounds of illegal narcotics every year. We need a Congressional representative who will protect the mission of ICE as we continue to battle the opioid crisis. Jay Webber has proven time and again that law enforcement can count on him, which is why I give him my full support. "
"Mikie Sherrill is adding fuel to a very dangerous fire by sharing the stage with her radical supporters as they call for the abolishment of ICE," said Sheriff Strada. "Every Sheriff's office and local police department would be in a tough spot if we did not have Immigration and Customs Enforcement supporting us, and vice versa. If people want to send someone to Washington who will be tough on crime and have the backs of the law enforcement community, then they need to get out and support Jay Webber."