Torres Joins Team Woodland Park 2024 Ticket & Borough Council

(WOODLAND PARK, NJ) –  Woodland Park Democrats announce that Luis Torres, a Lieutenant with the Passaic County Sheriff’s Office, will join the Team Woodland Park ticket this November. Torres will run alongside incumbent Woodland Park Council Members Tina Gatti, Vincent DeCesare, and Adam Chaabane.


“We welcome Luis to the team with open arms,” said GattiDeCesare, and Chaabane in a joint statement. “His public safety experience is impressive, and his history of leadership and commitment to public service is what our team stands for.”


At the Regular Meeting of July 24, 2024, the Woodland Park Mayor and Council unanimously voted to appoint Luis Torres to a vacancy that occurred on the Borough Council at the end of June.


“Luis Torres is a welcomed addition to our team,” said Ruth Patterson, Chairwoman of the Woodland Park Democratic Committee. “I wish him well as a new member of the Borough Council, and look forward to supporting him, and our entire team, this November!”


Luis Torres took his oath of office as a Woodland Park Council Member on the evening of Wednesday, July 24th.


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