Township of Raritan Declares a State of Emergency - March 17, 2020
In concert with the State and County, Raritan Township has declared
a State of Emergency due to the health threat to its residents and
employees. Further, as of March 18, 2020 all Township Facilities
(Municipal Building, Police Headquarters and the Department of
Public Works) are limiting public access (Doors will be Locked) while
continuing to provide essential services, Township Parks and Open
Spaces will remain open. This decision is not made lightly, and is in
the best health interests of the public and employees.
Township personnel will be working regular hours (8:30 to 4:30) M-F
Administration Building and (7:00 to 3:30) M-F, Department of
Public Works.
Township Committee and all other Board and Committee meetings
will be noticed if cancelled or if alternative meeting procedures will be
This is an unprecedented event and the situation is rapidly evolving, as
such, we will be updating regularly as the situation dictates. Please
cooperate and bear with us as we strive to continue to serve you in the
best and safest manner possible.
Donald E. Hutchins
Township Administrator
Below is a list of each department along with a message regarding
processes now in place and a contact number, please utilize the
appropriate number for questions and customer service. Department
email addresses are also available on our website and the general
number to the Municipal Building is 908-806-6100.
Fire Prevention
Our office we be closed to the public and we will be adjusting our operations to conduct only
essential inspections until further notice. We encourage that Smoke Detector and Permit
inspections be completed online. We are available to answer any Fire Safety related questions by
phone, 908-806-6314.
Municipal Court
While our court office is closed to the public, payments can be made via the mail, online for
traffic tickets or left in our dropbox outside the court entrance. Envelopes and pens will be left at
the dropbox and it will be emptied at the end of the day Monday through Friday.
Other paperwork can also be left in the dropbox, i.e., citizen complaints. Please make sure there
is the name of a contact person and phone number on the paperwork.
Warrants may be paid at the police department. The money will be collected and processed by
the court Monday through Friday.
Court Phone: (908) 782-8818 Court Fax: (908) 806-6478 Email:
Registrar of Vital Statistics
Will require special arrangements. Please contact the Registrar at 908-806-6083 for guidance or
by email,
Clerk’s Office
Pet license renewals can be mailed with the appropriate fee to the Municipal Clerk’s Office,
1 Municipal Drive, Flemington, NJ 08822 or placed in the drop box at the front entrance to the
municipal building. Renewals are due by May 31, 2020.
OPRA requests and general questions can be submitted via email to
or or faxed to (908) 806-7061.
Please utilize the following phone number should you need immediate access to the Clerk’s office
All permit applications should be submitted to us by mail. Application on website under
“Reference Information” and “Forms”.) If completed construction permits are included with
your submission, the permits will be forwarded to the Construction Office automatically upon
Zoning approval. Please include an e-mail address on your permit application for ease of
communication. At this time, our office will remain staffed to assist you. You may call 908-806-
6102 with any questions or concerns.
Construction Department
The Raritan Township Construction Department office and counter will be closed to all
individuals until the threat to its employees has been deemed safe to resume normal activity.
With regard to Construction inspections, exterior and non-occupied structures currently under
construction can be inspected thru the normal process of inspection requests by calling (908)
The Construction Official will have the authority to declare certain requested inspections as
non-emergent and will reschedule as deemed appropriate.
Additionally, please call the Construction Dept. at (908)806-6114 to arrange a convenient time
to drop off any permit applications or correspondences.
Tax Collection
You may pay your taxes in person by utilizing our drop box located outside of our building, by
mail or online at
Senior freeze applications are not due until November 2nd 2020. Please be advised that we can
only fill out applications if they are sent to us by mail or left in our drop box located outside of
our building. We will return the completed form back to you by mail. For those of you who do
not wish to mail or leave your senior freeze forms with us, please visit us when our offices reopen to the public. Again, the applications are not due to the State of New Jersey until
November 2nd 2020.
We will be available to answer any questions by phone, email or fax during regular business
hours. Please see our contact information below.
Thank you for your understanding and we apologize for the inconvenience.
Phone: (908) 806-8261
Fax: (908) 806-0008
Mailing Address: Raritan Township Tax Collector
1 Municipal Drive
Flemington, NJ 08822
Pay Online at:
Department of Public Works
Areas affected by this closure are1- Use of the recycling center. (CLOSED)
2- In person sale of recycling & non-recycling permits.
If you would like to purchase recycling & non-recycling permits by mail.
Send a check and return address to: Raritan Township Public Works,
204 Pennsylvania Ave., Flemington, NJ 08822
Permits will be mailed out next business day.
3- In person sale of Wood Mulch & Leaf Compost.
If you would like to schedule a delivery please call our office Monday thru Friday
7:30am to 3pm. We will at that time explain our sale & delivery options.
Please contact our office at 908-782-1695 if you have any questions or concerns.
Police Reports and Records
Due to the evolving situation involving Covid-19, the Raritan Township Police Department is
taking the following protective measures:
1. During this period of time, residents may file non-emergent reports over the phone using our
non-emergency phone number 908-782-8889. Residents may receive a follow up phone call
from an on-duty officer if additional information or follow up is necessary.
2. If you come to the RTPD Headquarters Lobby, we will greet you from behind our glass
partitions. If paperwork needs to be exchanged, it will be passed through the slots. This
includes ALL forms of records requests. If you have had a fever or any other associated
symptoms, please DO NOT come into our Headquarters.
3. We will NOT be hosting tours at RTPD Headquarters for the next 30 days and will be limiting
our frequency of attended events and respectively request that you do not come to visit at the
present time (i.e. fresh baked goods, well wishes, etc.).
• Fingerprinting and car seat inspections will be suspended until further notice.
• All municipal court sessions are cancelled until March 25th (may be extended). You will
receive a new court date in the mail.
The Raritan Township Police Department is dedicated to the safety and security of our residents
and officers. We want to assure everyone that we will still provide our community with the very
best service while taking measures to protect our Officers & Staff. We will continue to answer
any emergent call for service with the same high level of professionalism as we always have.