Tucker, McIver to Host Teach a Girl to Lead

Tucker, McIver to Host Teach a Girl to Lead  

Will Share Journeys, Experiences as Elected Officials;
Allow Girls to Participate in a Mock Campaign


WHO:            Assemblywoman Cleopatra G. Tucker, (D-Essex)

Councilwoman LaMonica McIver, Newark Municipal Council, Central Ward

Dawn Haynes, Vice-chairperson, Newark Public Schools Board of Education
Rutgers Center for American Women and Politics (CAWP)

Teach a Girl to Lead™

WHAT:         A program featuring conversation and empowerment during which Assemblywoman Tucker, Councilwoman McIver and Vice-chairperson Haynes will share their journeys and experiences as women elected officials.

WHERE:       Office of Assemblywoman Cleopatra G. Tucker
400 Lyons Avenue
Newark, NJ 07112


WHEN:         10 a.m.-noon, Saturday, Sept. 8, 2018

WHY:            As part of the Rutgers Center for American Women and Politics Teach a Girl to Lead™ program, Assemblywoman Tucker, Councilwoman McIver and Vice-chairperson Haynes will host young ladies ages 10-14 for a fun-filled morning during which they will share their journeys of becoming elected officials.


“Too often, young people, particularly girls, are not aware of the requirements and steps to become an elected official,” said Assemblywoman Tucker. “But programs such as this one help us to educate them and start grooming them early for potential careers in public service.  By getting them prepared now to take the public service mantle, they’ll be better equipped to do so as adults.”


Assemblywoman Tucker added that she was inspired to host the program after receiving the children’s book “Grace for President” from Rutgers CAWP.  As part of the program, the girls will learn about different levels of government, participate in a mock campaign, and pledge to take a leadership role in their school or club.


Rutgers University’s Teach a Girl to Lead™ program provides the tools and resources to help young people rethink leadership and refocus the picture, because if a girl can’t imagine a woman leader, how can she become one?

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